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Welcome Speech of Rector Unjani


Warmest greeting.
Indonesia is a beautiful country with numerous beautiful natures. On the other hand, Indonesia is also prone to disaster due to geographical conditions surrounded by the Ring of Fire. As evidence, Indonesia is one of 35 countries that experience natural disasters nearly daily. The consequences of a disaster can be severe, with significant risks of life and material loss. Disaster management must, therefore, be carried out in an integrated, systematic, and standardized manner. Natural disasters or man-made disasters that occur in Indonesia or around the world constantly require the involvement of volunteers. Volunteers have a crucial role in disaster management and must be continuously developed. For the first time, Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani, as a higher educational institution, will host a disaster-themed activity to live out the vision and mission of the Faculty of Medicine. The main agenda of this event is to prepare standardized and resilient volunteers with proper emergency responses. I am honored to serve as the Rector of Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani. We proudly present “The International Major Incident Exercise and Competition" this year.

Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, SH., LL.M., Ph.D

Dr. Wendra, dr., M.Kes.

Welcome Speech of Dean Faculty of Medicine Unjani


As one of the largest archipelagos in the world, Indonesia has a lot of beautiful natural scenery and the potential for disaster. Indonesia's location, surrounded by the “Ring of Fire, ” provides the potential for natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions. In addition, Indonesia also has experienced earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis in some areas, and extreme weather. A vast population with various characteristics also makes Indonesia prone to man-made disasters such as riots, air and water pollution, and fire. For example, we grieved with the Kanjuruhan Tragedy in East Java last year. In 2024, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani reached its 32th anniversary. As a commitment to practicing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education this year, we also held “The International Major Incident Emergency Responses.” There will be an International Jamboree which is focusing on disaster management. Both international and national experts will attend and provide knowledge updates and workshops on disaster management. We hope this event will benefit all participants and improve people’s awareness, skills, and knowledge of disaster management. Lastly, we welcome all the participants. May God Almighty bless us in any way.

Welcome Speech of Dean UPNM


Welcome to the International Major Incident Exercise and Competition Jamboree, a collaborative endeavour between the prestigious Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani and our esteemed institution. I would like to express our sincere appreciation to Medical Faculty Unjani for inviting us to co-organize this esteemed event. As the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Defence Health, National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM), I am honoured to address such a distinguished gathering of international medical professionals, medical students, emergency response teams, and all responder from NGOs in this event. Your presence highlights the significance of international cooperation in addressing emergency response challenges. In our interconnected world, major incidents and emergencies can occur at anytime and anywhere, presenting unique challenges that demand swift and coordinated responses. This exercise emphasizes the importance of global collaboration in enhancing preparedness and response capabilities. Indonesia stands as an optimal setting for disaster training due to its diverse and dynamic natural landscape. From its sprawling archipelago to its volcanic terrain and susceptibility to seismic activity, Indonesia offers a rich tapestry of natural phenomena that present both challenges and opportunities for emergency preparedness. Together, let us be mindful of the responsibility we bear and strive to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and compassion in our endeavours. It is with great pleasure that I extend a heartfelt welcome to all participants. I wish you all a productive and rewarding experience throughout this jamboree.

Brig. Jen. Dr. Mohd Arshil Bin Moideen

Odih Fahruzi, dr., Sp.An-TI, AIFO-K

Welcome Speech of Chairman of Jamboree 2024 Faculty of Medicine Unjani


As an archipelago located at the confluence of four tectonic plates, Indonesia has various potentials. The large number of rivers and active volcanoes in residential areas potentially cause Indonesia to experience earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Extreme weather and earthquakes that have recently happened in almost all regions of Indonesia are the shreds of evidence. In addition to natural disasters, Indonesia can experience man-made disasters such as air pollution, fires, traffic accidents, and exposure to hazardous chemicals. The high number of potential disasters in Indonesia makes awareness of disasters necessary for everyone, following the vision and mission of the Faculty of Medicine University Jendral Achmad Yani in medical emergencies and disaster management. The International Jamboree 2024 will carry the theme "Together Aligning Medical Capabilities and Building Resilience of Medical Teams in Disaster Preparedness.” This event aims to increase awareness and preparedness for disasters so that disaster losses and victims can eventually be minimized. This year's events consisting an International Jamboree. The participants will receive knowledge and simulations from experts in the field of disaster management both at the national and international levels. As the committee, we hope these events run smoothly and all participants gain valuable knowledge and experience from this activity. I thank all of you for your support. Please enjoy the whole event.

Welcome Speech of Co Chairman of Jamboree 2024 UPNM


As co-chairman representing National Defence University of Malaysia, I am honored to invite all medical professionals to the International Jamboree UNJANI Medical Faculty 2024 in Indonesia. This event, themed "Together Aligning Medical Capabilities and Building Resilience of Medical Teams in Disaster Preparedness, " aims to enhance global health security through regional and international collaboration. We are grateful to serve as co-organizers, promoting partnership among experts dedicated to improving disaster response skills. The Jamboree's objective is to significantly enhance disaster preparedness among medical students, healthcare staff, and doctors through immersive simulations led by experts. These practical experiences are designed to prepare participants for effective and confident real-world disaster response. We are committed to making this Jamboree a dynamic learning environment and a catalyst for ongoing professional development and partnerships in medical disaster preparedness. We eagerly anticipate your participation and are excited about the potential outcomes of this collaborative effort. Join us in Indonesia for an enriching experience that aims to build a resilient future in medical preparedness. We look forward to welcoming you to this pivotal event in 2024. Thank you.

Prof. Dr. Mohd Fahmi bin Lukman



Online course on academic sessions related to emergency response and disaster

Hands-on workshop about emergency response and disaster

Competition in emergency response and disaster

Cultural night

Recreational Program

Session Workshop (Online Lecture)
  • Introduction (Indonesia and all officials responsible for the disaster)
  • Bandung land contour
  • Disaster in Indonesia (Bandung)
  • lessons and basic preparation for disembarkation in a disaster zone
  • Health impacts on Disaster
  • First aid and Triage
  • Patient transport in disaster zone
  • Basic Life Support (CPR)
  • Basic Life Ability as volunteer
Competition & Drill
  • Water rescue
  • Earthquake Rescue
  • Collapsed building
  • Drill underpressure
  • Additional Competition



International Participan.

  • Profesional : 750 USD .
  • Student : 600 USD .
price per team of 5 Regist Now

National Participan.

  • Profesional : IDR 5.000.000
  • Student : IDR 4.000.000
price per team of 5 Regist Now

Facilities and Advantages

01. Online course on academic sessions related to emergency response and disaster
02. Hands-on workshop related to emergency response and disaster
03. Camping Utilities

04. Food and Beverage during event
05. Survival Kit
06. International Certificate

07. Transportation to the Venue
08. Valuable Experience
09. Recreational Program

10. Souvenir

Winner Prize

  • Professional

    1. Rector Trophy
    2. Certificate
    3. Cash Reward

  • Student

    1. Rector Trophy
    2. Certificate
    3. Cash Reward

  • Best

    1. Certificate
    2. Cash Reward

  • Best

    1. Certificate
    2. Cash Reward

  • Best

    1. Certificate
    2. Cash Reward

  • Best

    1. Certificate
    2. Cash Reward